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Phytosanitary Certificate
Guidelines for applying for a phytosanitary certificate
- All produce to be exported must be FREE OF SOIL
- All produce must be PEST FREE. There must be NO LIVE or DEAD INSECTS, or symptoms if disease in Produce.
- Ensure that your produce is of BEST QUALITY and meets EXPORT REQUIRMENTS.
- Your package must be opened for inspection by the Quarantine Inspector at the port of exit.
- Exporters must co-operate with Quarantine Office for Produce inspections.
- All packages must be properly labeled including names of exporter & consignee.
- All treatment of produce (e.g. ridomil in dasbeen or bot water treatment in mangoes etc.) must be declared for entry on Phytosanitary Certificate.
- No packages (boxes/bags) used to ship produce out of Dominica shall be returned to Dominica.
- All plants, Plant Parts or Fresh Produce imported into Dominica must be accompanied by a Phytosanitary Certificate from the COUNTRY OF ORIGIN.
- Phytosanitary Certificates for export are issued by Quarantine Officers at all ports, and cost EC five ($5) dollars.
- Phytosanitary Certificates are valid from date of issue up to FOUR (4) days after.
Note: Agricultural produce for export must be inspected (Plant Protection Act 1986: Section 12) before shipping.
Sample certificate (PDF 505 KB)