Copyright & Privacy
Material on this website were produced and/or compiled by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Blue and Green Economy to improve the dissemination of non-confidential information to the public, stakeholders and government agencies, to enhance service delivery, and to facilitate public participation in issues of governance.
The design, pictures, logos, trademarks and other marks used on this web site are the property of the Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica and/or the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Blue and Green Economy. They should not be copied, used, posted, published or redistributed without written permission.
You may download, store in cache, display and copy material published on this web site only in their unaltered form and solely for your personal and non-commercial use. Where such use is made of material published on this web site, the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Blue and Green Economy and/or the Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica retains all copyrights in these works. You must not transmit or distribute any part of this web site without prior written permission of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Blue and Green Economy and/or the Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica.
Privacy and Security Policy
Below is a summary of the privacy and security policies on the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Blue and Green Economy website.
Personal Information
Personal information (e.g. name, phone number, e-mail address) is not automatically collected. This information is only obtained if provided through usage of Contact Forms or by sending an e-mail, and will only be used to respond to your message(s) and to provide you with information requested, if available.
Your information will not be disclosed to anyone, except another government agency if your question relates to that agency, or otherwise required by law. No personal information is collected or used for commercial marketing.
The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Blue and Green Economy website does not use cookies to collect personal identifiable information or track site usage. The only cookies used on this site are Session cookies. These cookies are used to facilitate navigation through the site and do not collect personal information on the user. Session cookies are not stored on your computer's hard drive and are erased from memory as soon as you leave our website or close your browser.
The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Blue and Green Economy website uses commercial software programs to monitor network traffic to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information, or otherwise cause damage. The software records the Internet Protocol (IP) address and Internet domain from which you accessed our website, the type of browser used, the date and time of your access, the pages you access, and the address of the website from which you accessed the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Blue and Green Economy website (
The information collected is used to administer the site and analyse trends and demographic information related to site usage. IP addresses are not used to determine the identity of users of the site unless an attempt to damage the site has been detected.
This website contains links to other websites created and maintained by other public and or private organisations. These are provided for the convenience of our users. When users link to these sites, they leave the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Blue and Green Economy, and are subject to the privacy and security policies of the relevant webs sites accessed.
Links to non-Government of Dominica websites does not mean that the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Blue and Green Economy endorses the organisations sponsoring the linked websites, the views expressed or services offered by these organisations.
Notification of Changes
Any changes to our Privacy and Security Policy will be posted on the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries website.
Questions/Comments on Privacy
If you have any questions or comments on our Privacy and Security Policy, you can contact us:
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Blue and Green Economy
2nd Floor, Government Headquarters
Roseau, Dominica
Tel: (767) 266 3271
Fax: 448 7999